Sunday 27 February 2011

Helen Musslewhite

I found this artist when researching paper craft/sculpture,
I really like the way she turns paper into something quite abstract but also meaningful.

Her more experimental and abstract pieces are also very interesting and different to what I have previously researched in this module,

Thursday 24 February 2011

Photographs of Lily's I used to create my Final GF smith paper poster

I took photographs of white Lily's and uploaded them to Photoshop to work on a poster, But when I tried to get rid of the background using levels and brightness as the Lily is white it almost faded away completely, So I made a Black Lily and photographed on a White background and reduced the amount of brightness and contrast to get rid of the Black background.

Monday 21 February 2011


Sticking with the theme of flowers (Lily)
As an idea and starting point for the design of my poster, I got a big piece of paper and made a big Lily.

This Idea wasn't as effective as I'd hoped, so from now on I'll use smaller Lilys for the development of my final poster.

Saturday 19 February 2011

Making Origami Lily's personal and unique :)

Everybody can read instructions and make something out of paper
but this project is about paper manipulation, so I have taken the Lily's that I have been making
and cut into them and folded them differently to create different variations of them.

With this one I cut the edges of
the petals of to a point,
to create a completely
different flower altogether. 

With this one I simply cut of the sides
at the joint to reveal a gap that makes
really interesting images.

With this one I cut of the edge
like in the previous but then
folded the crease back on itself
 where the gap was created.

Wednesday 16 February 2011


In Fridays session, Looking through Richard Sweeney's Sketchbooks inspired me to relate my sculptural work to forms, And as I have recently been looking at flowers,

I looked into and researched flowers and the way they are presented.

Examples of Roses that I took photographs of,

But seen as I've been looking at Lily's I researched on the internet (google images)
The way in which Lily's are presented and their form and structure.

Lily's are presented in many ways
and are very free and loose.

Friday 11 February 2011

Its all about Pleating (Richard Sweeney style) :)

In todays session I thought I'd try my hand at a new technique in paper manipulation,
Richard Sweeney creates many wonderful and creative designs,
but my personal favourite is his pleating of paper.

Pleating paper is really simple,
but can be manipulated in many ways to create many forms of sculpture and visual Graphic art.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Lily :)

Origami Is a popular way of manipulating paper and creating a 3D visual sculpture by folding paper, 
So I learnt how to make a Lily, Which I think when photographed is very interesting.

Working Progress.

Bottle Of coke, Paramore Brand new eyes album on loud, A selection of paper, sketchbook and an open mind. :)

Friday 4 February 2011

Session 2 with Richard Sweeney.

Today was all about the term 'Repeat'

Using a square piece of paper I made a small shape (repeated) and glued its sides to the next one to create a small 3D paper sculpture.